
an Event Driven, Microservice Application Server

Live Reload

You don't have to re-run your whole application. Your code gets automagically reloaded when you make changes.

Powerful Event System

A powerful event System with advanced filters, timeouts and response gathering.

Extendable to its core

Nearly every functionality inside moin is loaded as a module.


You wrote an awesome Mail Service for Moin? Just Publish it on NPM and other users can use it in their application right away.

Getting started

Want to Start developing?

Read the Docs

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If you have any questions, don't hesitate to join our Gitter Chat

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Found a Bug?

Moin is still in an early development phase. If you found any issues, you can post them on Github

Browse the Issues

Want to read the underlying Thesis?

Moin was developed on the basis of my bachelor thesis at FH-Kiel. You can download the thesis, to et a better understanding of the system.

Read the Thesis